Here's achance to download the Claas Jaguar 800 series forage harvesters for FarmingSimulator 19. (Lookingfor the download link? See below.)
Can't wait for the Claas DLC? This Jaguar is a great, temporary solution until the FS19 Platinum expansion is coming.
There's already a similar version available, but I'll say Zetor6245's version is more interesting because of all the configuration options.

Converted and Reworked
This Jaguarwas first released for FS17 by MB3D Modelling. Zetor6245 has converted andupdated it. It used to be an FPS bomb (too detailed, not adequatelyoptimized) but now it's much more game friendly.
Still,there are many details to enjoy. Like animations. The steering console, thein-cab monitor, and the throttles are animated.

Lots of Options
Not onlydoes the modded FS19 Jaguar look great. You have a large number of customizationoptions at your fingertips. You can choose from several colors. You can addweights to the rear of the harvester. Don't want front wheels? Then go fortracks instead.

GPS Ready
This version of the Claas Jaguar forage harvester is ready to work with Wopster's guidance steering mod (GPS.) To make it work, you need to equip the harvester with the GPS while you're in the shop.
FS19 Claas Jaguar 800
Here arethe most important facts about this FS19 mod:
- Brand: Claas.
- Credits: MB3D Modelling, Zetor6245, Sardor Percy,Da-Hoffi, Ifkonator.
- Category: Forage Harvesters.
- Base price:185,622.
- Engine configurations:1 – 840, 850, 860, 870.
- Power range:408 hp, 462 hp, 516 hp, and 585 hp.
- Top speed:40 kph | 25 mph.
- Working speed:Depends on which header you’re using (see below.)
- Selectable colors: Yes – Both standard and metallic.
- Selectable wheels: Yes, standard, wide, and tracks.
- Wheel brands:Trelleborg, Mitas, Michelin, and Lizard (the tracks.)
- Errors: None registered.

Headers Specs
There arethree main headers included with the Jaguar forest harvester series. Here arethe most important specifications:
- Pick Up 300 HD:Working speed 17 kph (10 mph) | working width 3 meters.
- Orbis 750:Working speed 13 kph (8 mph) | working width 7.5 meters.
- Direct Disc 610: Working speed 15 kph (9 mph) | working width 6.1 meters.
Note that there are three versions of the Direct Disc header. One standard, another one for wheat, barley, oats, canola, and soybeans, and finally one version that only works with grass.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention the header trailer that's included. It let's you strap down the headers for safe transport.

Want to donate to the modder? Use this donation link:
Version - TheWorkload Update
(UpdatedAugust 19, 2019)The Claas Jaguar 800 pack has already reached version Some tinybugs have been corrected, like AI helpers now being able to control theharvester using the Direct Disc header.
There havebeen a lot of adjustments too. The indoor camera has beentweaked, several textures have been reworked, while the driving physicshave been improved.
Perhaps themost visible addon is the workload display script. Itshows the workload of the headers (works with the Pick Up and the Orbis),both on displays visible from inside the cabin and in the F1 help menu. It's acool, visual only, addition to an already marvelous mod.

Version – It Can Harvest Straw Now
(Updated May 21, 2020) Zetor6245 has released a new version of the Claas Jaguar forage harvester. Here’s the most significant change:
The new version can harvest straw (straw in, straw out), but only on maps that have been prepared for it. The Hinterkaifeck map is one such map.

How to Download
To get this version of the Claas Jaguar you just have to press the blue button. It opens the modder’s mod hosting page on FileHorst.
Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.