The JohnDeere 1424C large square baler for Farming Simulator 19 is ready for download. (You'll find the download linkbelow.)

This isa reskinned version of the base game Kuhn LSB 1290 D, but it's close enough to thereal-world version of John Deere's 1424C baler (just look at a picture of areal-life JD, and you'll see the likeness...)
Michelin and Lights

The FS19John Deere 1424C is more than just a reskin. The modder has added Michelinwheels as an in-store option. The lights have been worked on as well. Andthere's a license plate attached to the rear of the baler.
DiehardJohn Deere fans might not want to use it. But if you just care about the colorbeing right, downloading this baler is a no-brainer.

FS19 John Deere 1424C
Here aresome essential facts about this great FS19mod:
- Brand: John Deere.
- Credits: Giants Software, Elch97_Design.
- Category: Baling Technology.
- Base price:105,000.
- Working speed:12 mph | 20 kph.
- Capacity: 4,000 liters per bale.
- Required power:140 hp.
- Selectable colors: No.
- Selectable wheels: No.
- Errors and warnings: No.

How to Download
This mod is hosted at Sharemods. The blue button below takes you there.
Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.