Vehicle Inspector Script Mod

By Yesmods

Mar 08 2019 - 10:51

Next mod



The Vehicle Inspectormod has made a welcome comeback to Farming Simulator 19. To those who never have used it, it’s a small script,just under 30 kb. But it does a lot to ease your farming chores.

Well, if there’s onlyyou that are playing, you probably won’t need it.

But as soon as youstart using AI workers or Courseplay, it helps a lot. This is what the mod does:

But not only that.

The mod also warnsyou if the helper is blocked by an object. Or when a vehicle has run out offuel. Or even when it’s driven into water… I will say this mod is a must if yourely on helpers running your farm.

This mod should work flawlessly, both in singleplayer and multiplayer.


What I really likeabout this mod, is the customization possibilities. Do you think the text istoo small? Just enlarge it. Does the mod show too much information?Adjust it so it only shows the information you would like to see.

This is how you do it (be sure to have Notepad++ or another software that handles XML files):

  1. Save and quitthe game. Open a file explorer.
  2. Go to: ../MyGames/FarmingSimulator2019/modsSettings/VehicleInspector/
  3. Open the file called: vehicleInspectorSettings.xml

Now you can start tweaking the mod and its appearance to your liking.

This is where you can tweak this mod. Be sure to make a backup first!

Here are some of the XML-settings you can play aroundwith:

Oh, and remember tosave the file before you fire up the game again to enjoy your tweaks.

Who’ll benefit from the Vehicle Inspector mod?

I would say everyonewho uses hired helpers. If you’re asolo farmer, you really won’t need it. Then it’s better to not installand activate it. Because each script you put inside the game, will affect thegame’s performance.

Mod Creators:HappyLooser

Version 1.5 is Out Now

The newversion mainly includes mod fixes. Here are some of the most important one:

The button below takes you to the mod’s download page. This is the modder’s link.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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