LWG Europe (Placeable) Bale Storages Pack

By Yesmods

Aug 16 2019 - 15:39

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Here'swhere you can download the LWG Europe (placeable) bale storages pack forFarming Simulator 19.(Looking for the download link? See below.)

This modhelps you automate the storage of most in-game bales. And it will mostlikely do good for the FPS performance too.

The display shows the inventory...

When youwalk up to the sheds, a small display appears to tell you the status of eachstorage. Hopefully the GlobalCompany script will get an update soon, that displaysthe number of bales instead of liters stored…

8 Storage Buildings

There are 8different storage buildings included with the mod, one for each FS19 baletype (except cotton bales.)

You needthe GlobalCompany (GC) script installed and activated for the mod to function.

This ishow it works:

1. Unload your bales infront of the sheds.

The modautomatically moves the bales into storage. And when you need some bales?

2. Enter the GC menu tospawn the number of bales wanted.

The bales arespawned to the left of the buildings.

Some mightargue it would have been better to combine several bale types in fewerbuildings. I think it's nice to have one storage for each type.

Asphalt Ground Textures

All theplaceable bale storage buildings come with pre-defined ground textures (asphalt.)If you want to have other surface textures beneath them, you can use thelandscaping tool

No Buying Option

Unlike mostother GC mods I've tested, this one won't let you buy the raw material from theGC menu (bales, in this case.) If you want to purchase bales to store,you need to visit the regular FS19 shop.

FS19 LWG Bale Storages

Here ismore info on this particular FS19 mod:

Grass Round Bale Storage

Capacity: 470 round bales.

Hay Round Bale Storage

Capacity: 470 round bales.

Straw Round Bale Storage

Capacity: 470 round bales.

Silage Round Bale Storage

Capacity: 470 round bales.

Grass Square Bale Storage

Capacity: 486 square bales.

Hay Square Bale Storage

Capacity: 486 square bales.

Silage Square Bale Storage

Capacity: 486 square bales.

Straw Square Bale Storage

Capacity: 486 square bales.

Version - 8 ExtraStorages

(UpdatedAugust 19, 2019) TheLWG Europe bale storages pack has grown significantly over the last couple ofdays. Now, it includes 8 smaller storages too, in addition to the 8 I’vealready told you about. And there’s a bale shredder in the packas well.

8 Smaller Sheds

The smallerbale storages work exactly like their bigger brothers. One storage building perbale type. They are easier to place on the map, thanks to the smaller size.

They won’tfit as many bales as the bigger versions. But they’re big enoughto get the most of you through a Winter in Seasons 19, for example…

Bale Shredder

Now, thisis a cool building. Just unload your bales in front of it. After some time, you’llget “shredded” material from the other side. Unloading straw bales, forexample, gives you straw in the end.

Warning: Already got an earlier version ofthe bale storages in your map? Sell them before installing the update. Theolder storages have new names. They will just disappear if you don’t sell thembefore installing the latest versions.

Version – The GC Update

(Updated September 20, 2019) The new version of the bale storages has been adjusted to work with the newly released version of the GlobalCompany script ( And the displays have been moved to the front of each shed.

Newoperation mode: Youneed to set the work mode of each storage. Just walk up to the displaywith the F1 help menu activated. Now, you can choose whether the sheds shallstore bales or release bales already in storage with your mouse or a controller.

Here areyour options (the mod has not English translations):

Warning: If you’re going from version (or earlier versions) straight to version, go into your game and empty your storages for bales first. If you don’t do this before installing the new update, everything will be gone unfortunately.

Download Here

You can download the Storage buildings to your mods folder by clicking on the blue button below.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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