FS 19 modsshowcase: The placeable GlobalCompany Tree Nursery by Jan Bechmann. Alink to the download location is at the end of this presentation.
If you wantto make your own tree saplings, this mod is for you.

Needed Ingredients
To startmaking saplings, you need some ingredients. Water, seeds, and manure arerequired. Here are the capacities:
- Water:100,000 liters.
- Seeds:10,000 liters.
- Manure:25,000 liters.
When allingredients are in place, the nursery will use about 10 hours to produce 1pallet of 20 saplings.
There areno ground markings that guide you to exactly where to fill the different stuffneeded. Tipping manure inside the clamp, for example, won’t work. The imageunder is a pretty accurate explanation on where to unload.

GlobalCompany is Required
To make the tree nursery work, you need to have GlobalCompany installed and activated. There are several good things about the script. It makes placing the nursery easier when you activate the "Extended Placeable" function. And you can buy all the needed components from inside the GC menu.

Plenty of lights for latenight work.

FS 19 Placeable TreeNursery
I haven'tdone the math. I can't tell if the tree nursery will save you money on treesaplings, or how many saplings you need to produce to break even. But it addsmore activity to the gameplay when you're finished working in the fields, andall the milk is delivered. Here are some quick facts:
- Original Mod Name: Baumschule.
- Credits: Jan Bechmann.
- Category: Placeables | GlobalCompany.
- Base price:85,000.
- Predefined ground: Yes, dirt.
- Errors: No, but a couple of warnings.
- Platforms: PC and Mac.
NoErrors, but acouple of warnings regarding the collision mask of the player trigger:
WARNING: Playertrigger 147461 should have collisionMask! Need only Bit 20
It won't crashyour game. And the mod still works. But even the smallest warning could affectthe game one way or another.

Version -Sell-able Pallets
(UpdatedOctober 14, 2019)The seedlings pallets can now be sold by the workshop trigger at theshops. But this only applies to freshly made pallets. Just transport thepallets to the trigger, open the dialog box, and sell it.
One palletwill net you 900.

Where to Download
The modder has chosen LS-Modcompany to host the placeable tree nursery. Click the button under to open the mod page. Then look for a green button that says, "HERUNTERLADEN."
Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.