FarmingSimulator 19 mod map presentation: The Lakeland Vale map, created by Stevie (akaSteve Kay.) The map location is fictional, based on an American landscape.
It’s theperfect map for everyone who wants to do relaxed farming, with square, AIworker friendly fields and easy to do missions. It’s also a good map if you'regoing to go crazy with the landscaping tool. It offers a lot of freedom when itcomes to removing, altering, and adding stuff.
Lakeland Vale Features
Yes, themap has AI traffic. But it’s just one car, driving around the village. This smalltraffic spline makes it much easier to do landscaping on the rest of the map.

There’s compostinstalled on the map. But you need to download a placeable composting plant tomake use of it (see below.) There are already several map locations thatare ready to receive placeable objects.

Lakeland Valehas a pretty large forest area. You’ll find the sawmill inside the forest.There should be enough space to add a placeable woodchipper there.

Ready for Seasons
Yes, theLakeland Vale map works with the Seasons mod. Stevie has prepared a snow maskfor it. There are even custom textures for much of the vegetation and thesurrounding mountains that change with the seasons.

Recommended Mods
You shoulddownload additional mods to make your stay in Lakeland Vale more fun. Here theyare:
- Stevie’s production mods – Stevie has created an extensive collection of GlobalCompany production mods, including a compost plant.
- GlobalCompany – You’ll need the GlobalCompany script if you want to use the production mods.
- Stevie’s Kotte Multi TSA tanker – This modded tanker lets you transport all kind of liquids.
- Animal Pen Extension – The animal pens work with the Animal Pen Extension mod.
FS19 Lakeland Vale Mod Specs
I’ve always been a massive fan of Stevie’s work. I like Lakeland Vale a lot. It has a fantastic atmosphere and a great layout.
Stevie hasdone a terrific job with the landscape. The areas between the fields looknatural and the forest ground is just beautiful. Stevie is also one of the veryfew map makers that manage to make the maps look less “clean,” thanks to his custom-madedirt and oil stains. The result is a more realistic look.
- Map Name: Lakeland Vale.
- Credits: Stevie.
- Map size:Standard.
- Number of fields: 23.
- Number of buyable farmlands: 24.
- Selling points:15.
- Additional crops: No.
- Prepared for Seasons 19: Yes.
- Errors: No.
- Platforms: PC and Mac.

New Version – Some fixes,Optimized Visuals
(UpdatedJanuary 25, 2020) Steviehas released an updated version of the map. It provides fixes for the floating electricpanel at the BGA, the visuals on the northern gas station, and a warning for oneof the selling points.
Each animal pen now holds 1,200 animals, except for the horse pen, which has room for 32 creatures.
Version – Free Roads, Easier Landscaping
(Updated February 1, 2020) A newversion of Stevie’s Lakeland Vale map is ready. This version requires a newgamesave.
Here aresome of the many changes and additions:
- Youcan now remove streetlights, road signs, and power poles for easier landscaping.The removal happens in the store garage.
- Adjustmentsof the map’s base color and brightness.
- Moredetails and foliage added to some areas.
- Clipdistance adjustment for some vehicle shed and barns wood panels to improveperformance.
- Thefarmland with roads on it is now free to buy.
- Addedbale triggers to the all animal straw triggers and support for bale shredders tothe pig straw trigger.

Version – New Textures, H-Milk
(Updated February 16, 2020) Steviehas released version five of the Lakeland Vales mod map for Farming Simulator19.
Here aresome of the additions:
The newversion has new and good-looking distance textures for crops.
Homogenizedmilk is a new commodity. To make it, use the H-Milk machine included in Stevie'spack of placeable Globalcompany mods.

Current Users
An importantmessage to existing users: If you want to use the new version of the map (V5), this is what youmust do.
- Withan older version of the map active, put all the fields you own in a plowedor cultivated state, then save the game.
- Now,download the new version and let it overwrite the old version of the map.
Just incase, make a backup of the old map file and the game save folder first.
Version – More Stuff to Sell
(Updated March 3, 2020) Thesixth version of the Lakeland Vale map is ready. The new version adds herbicideand liquid fertilizer sales to the map. You can sell both at Jeebs.
Note: You do not have to start anew game if you’re already using version 5 of the map. Just overwrite the oldmap file with version 6 and save the game once it has loaded.
Also, seethe recommended mods section above. It has a link to all the customGlobalCompany mods that Stevie has made, including a herbicide and a liquidfertilizer store. They are perfect for this map.

Version – TriggerUpdates
(UpdatedMarch 13, 2020) Aseventh version of the map is available for download. The new version comeswith adjustments to animal triggers and gates.
Note: You do not have to start a newgamesave to use this version if you already are using version 5 or 6. Let theversion 7 file overwrite the older version, then save immediately after thegame has loaded.

Version – ManureSystem, Fixes
(UpdatedMarch 31, 2020) Thenext version of the map is ready for download. A new gamesave is notrequired. Here’s what’s new:
- ManureSystem mod ready – You’ll find connection points at the pigs, cows, and theBGA.
- Updatedthe placeable sheds.
- Afix for a terrain painting foliage issue.

How to Use the Update
Please read the information within the release post on Stevie's Facebook page. It helps you decide whether you should start a new gamesave or not

Where to Download
You can download the Lakeland Vale map via Stevie’s release post on Facebook. First, click the blue button to open the post, then look for the download link at the end of it.
Note: The post also contains thedownload link for the placeable Globalcompany objects that works excellent withthis map.
Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.