great conversion. We enjoyed the map in FS17. We enjoy it even more now. This is outstanding map making. Upper Lusatia (Oberlausitz) Facts
Here you can download the Upper Lusatia (Oberlausitz)Mod Map for Farming Simulator 19. Some of you will remember this map from Farming Simulator 17. Now it’sready as an FS19 mod.
And it’s a great conversion. We enjoyed the map in FS17.We enjoy it even more now. This is outstandingmap making.
Upper Lusatia (Oberlausitz) Facts
- Map size: Standard – 2 x 2 km (the map uses about half a standard map.)
- Fields: 21 fields, 6 meadows.
- Selling points: 8, including the BGA.
- Farms: Two.
- Credits: Giants, Tommi1, FS15_Mapping, LS-Modkompany, fqC Art, Blacksheep Modding, El Cid, no.naim, Fendtfan79- LS Agrarservice, Nostalgic Farmer, XaaD, and modelleicher.

The chickens,cows and pig pens are all on the mainfarm. Sheep and horses have their designated areas further west. And there’salso enough to do for forestry fans. Several forests and a sawmill are in place.
How to Download
We like thenew version of Upper Lusatia very much. Especially the main farm layoutimpresses us a whole lot. We are confidentyou’ll be happy about it too.
All you have to do to download the map is to press that big blue button under. It’ll take you to the modder’s download page.
Go to Download 585MBWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.