Here you can download the Hof Bergmann Mod Mapfor Farming Simulator 19 (the download link is below.)
The FS19 version of Hof Bergmann is based on the Felsbrunn Map. The base map is still partly recognizable. But there are tons of changes.
Unpack First
The actualmod file is over 600 mb. And you have tounpack it. Then you copy the content from the unpacked folder into yourFS19 mods folder.
Contents of the Pack:
- Hof Bergmann Map
- Hof Bergmann Map - Bale Storage Addon (only works in SP)
- Various starting vehicles (there are some great gems here, including the John Deere Gator pack.)
Impressive Ingenuity
If youwonder how good a Farming Simulator map can be, just look at the FS19 HofBergman. It demonstrates what Giants Engine is capable of in the hands ofextremely talented modders.
There’s somuch going on in this map. Like all the interactivity that has been built intothe different tools and buildings. On topof that, the map looks stunning. It’s one of the most beautiful FS mapsever!
We honestly can’t understand why Farmer Andyand Ifkonator haven’t been hired by Giants by now.
FS19 Hof Bergmann Map
Here are some vital facts about this tremendousFS19 mod:
- Map Name: Hof Bergmann.
- Modder: Farmer Andy (scripts by Ifkonator.)
- Map size: Standard (2×2)
- Number of fields: 12.
- Number of buyable farmlands: 30.
- Selling points: 11.
Please consider this the first map release for FS19 from me. And anyone who followed me in previous FS Games knows that you can expect more things in the following updates.
Despite many hours of testing could still have some errors. Please understand, even the main game is not error free.
Additional Information:
- Hot fixes for larger problems you receive in a timely manner.
- Larger updates of the map will take 1-2 months.A very big thanks goes to Ifkonator who made the script technically possible for me.
Farmer Andy
(UpdateJune 2019) The HofBergmann map has received a massive update since its first release. Andyes, the changes require a new gamesave. Here are some of the highlights:
- General price adjustments: Much could be bought cheaper and sold for more.
- Thecapacity of cows at the cowshed is raised to 100 animals, while the cowcapacity in pasture B has been reduced to 300 moos.
- Sheep:Wool pallets have been replaced by handy wool bales known from the FS17version of Hof Bergmann (500 liters per bale.)
There’snow possible to sell wood logs as well, and not only woodchips.
Download the Changelog (PDF)
There are so many changes and fixes going on that we can’t write about everything. That’s why we’ve made a PDF document with all of the changelog: Click here to download it.
How to Install
Downloadand unpack the file. All mods from the folder must be copied to your modsfolder. An empty mod folder is recommended to avoid conflicts with other mods.
Protip: Simply rename your current mods folderto ‘mods1’ and create a new folder (‘mods’) for your Hof Bergmann mods…
(UpdateJune 24, 2019) The1.0.0.3 version is here, and it’s patch 1.4 ready. Here are some of the fixes:
Your AIhelpers are now able to spread compost, the milk cans spawn neatly, themissing l10n translation has been added to some of the silos, and the trafficspline near the animal dealer is fixed.
But that’snot all. Here are some additions as well:
- Themap now uses its own XMLs for localization, which simplifies translations. (German,English, French, and Polish languages are already installed.)
- Handlingof potatoes and woodchip bags have been improved, while greenhouses now alsoaccept compost.
The John Deere Gator Pack andBaleStorageAddon
Both the Gatorand its trailer are extended with a side-wall grid attachment. For thetrailer, those extensions can be bought in the shop.
The BaleStorage Addon has also been updated to meet the requirements of the 1.4 patchfrom Giants.
Version - SeasonsReady (and Much More)
(Updated October 12, 2019) There's a colossal update of the Hof Bergmann map available for you. First of all, it's Seasons 19 ready. But that's just the tip of the iceberg.
So much has changed, so much new stuff has been added, I've made a separate page for it. If you want to dive deep into the latest version, just click here.
The Short Version
If youare happy with the short version, here it is:
- GlobalCompanyis now integrated with the map. There are lot of objects for it in thePlaceable category.
- Allgreenhouses have been rebuilt. All of them use the GlobalCompany script.
- Thevehicles are included with the map file now (still needs unpacking, though.)And there are new vehicles too, like a MAN truck.
You need tohave GlobalCompany installed and activated in your mods folder. And even thoughthe changelog doesn't say so, I'm pretty sure you need a fresh gamesave for theupdated version of the map.
Version – So ManyChanges, Additions
(Updated January2, 2020) The newly updated version of the Hof Bergmann map includes tons offixes, changes, and additions. Let’s start with some of the most critical fixesfirst:
The mapworks in more languages now (EN, DE, FR, CZ, PL, and RU), animal informationworks with Seasons, and there’s a fix for a small error with the Ford Transit.
FertiMixerLQis repaired. Now, you must open the lid when you want to fill it or unload fromit. You can once again make silage bales from clover, while tomatoes andpeppers now turn green or brown depending on the water level.
The Changes
There’s aglobal map update for silage trailers, like the Claas Cargos from the ClaasDLC. They are now programmed to carry woodchips, compost, biomass, clover,manure, TMR, and pig food, while the Ford Transit also has room for additional products.
- Wateron the farm is no longer free. There’s a significant reduction in the FertimixerLQmixing time (reduced to half.) And you can now make BigBags from barley, corn, andchicken food.
- Farmer_Andyhas moved the AnimalTrigger at the livestock shop. Now, it’s located at thefront of the gate.
New Silage System
The SilageSystem is edited. You can now make grass silage or maize (corn) silage. Grasssilage is the standard, and maize silage is made from corn in prepared bunkersilos on the map. Cows eat both types, while sheep happily eat grass silage.
- Youcan use the left bunker on the farm for maize silage production and the rightbunker for grass silage production.
- Thereare new textures for straw, grass, chaff, hay, and silage covers, while thereare adjusted prices for horses.
Hose Connections
The updatedHof Bergmann map includes a lot of added connection points for hoses. They workby using the universal tanks pack that’s included with the map. It adds visiblehoses between the trailers and valves, for example, at the milk tank at thecheese dairy.
- You’llfind a separate shop category for the placeable production mods inside thePlaceables section.
- Goatsnow produce goat milk. You can turn this into goat cheese at the cheese dairy. Goatmilk and goat cheese make more money than regular milk and standard cheese.
- Thereis a new storage building for various cereals and fruits, based on the DynamicStorage System from GlobalCompany. This warehouse replaces the farm silo.
- Thefarm has a new bakery. It comes equipped with a dough kneading machine and anoven for baking bread. Both devices need to be activated manually.
These arejust a few of the many changes and additions. You’ll get the full picture byreading the Changelog that’s included with the mod files.
Version Requirements
To have the version work withouthiccups, you need to have the latest game patch from Giants Software installed.A new gamesave is required. And you’ll need to have the latest version of theGlobalCompany script installed (click here.)
TL;DR: It's one of the best FarmingSimulator maps ever, by the best map maker right now.
How to Download
Farmer Andy hosts this mod at Rapid Gator. Just click on the blue button under to get there.
Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.(Via LSFarming-Mods)