New FarmingSimulator 19 mod showcase: The Case IH Precision Disk 500T Seeders, made by KarlFarms.
This addon isa further development of KMN Modding's Precision Disk 500. KarlFarms has added mountedtanks to both drills.
He has alsochanged the name to 500T to avoid possible conflicts with future updates fromKMN Modding.

In-Game Features
- Thepack includes two drills: One 40 feet version (12.2 meters) and one 60feet version (18.2 meters.)
- Italso contains an air cart, which you can use with both drills.
- Bothdrills offer a selection of seed and fertilizer tank configurations.
- Youcan change the wheel configurations for the 60 feet drill, as well.
Here's the 40 feet version.

And this is the 60 feetversion.

You can use the air cart with both drills for more capacity.

Better for AI Workers
- KarlFarmshas added tanks, lights, and hydraulic hoses to the drills.
- Bothdrills have a fill level monitor, which is visible from the cab.
- KarlFarmshas adjusted the working speed and power requirements for the 60 feet model.
- It'seasier for hired AI workers to handle both the drills now.

Case IH Precision Disk500T FS19 Mod Specs
KMN Moddingmade a lot of players happy when he released the Case IH drill pack shortlyafter the release of Farming Simulator 19. KarlFarms has made the seeders evenbetter. They are brilliant addons for large scale farmers.
- Brand: Case IH.
- Credits: KMN Modding, KarlFarms.
- Category: Seeders.
- Base price: From 128,066.
- Working speed: 18 kilometers per hour | 11 miles per hour.
- Working width: 12.2 or 18.2 meters.
- What they plant: Wheat, barley, oats, canola, soybeans, oilseed radish, and grass.
- Seed tank capacity: From 3,500 liters.
- Fertilizer tank capacity: From 2,000 liters.
- Required power: 275 and 425 horsepower respectively.
- Selectable colors: No.
- Selectable wheels: Yes.
- Errors: No.
- Platforms: PC and Mac.
Version – Path Fix
(UpdatedMarch 17, 2020) Thenewly updated version of the Case IH seeders pack eliminates the log error leftby the file path. The mod is now error-free. Happy times! (Thanks for theheads up about the update to both Sp3ker and Marcus.)

Where to Download
KarlFarms announced the release of his version of the Case IH Precision Disks on Facebook. Click on "See More" in the copy of that post to see the download link.