FarmingSimulator 19 mod presentation: The Schuitemaker Siwa 240 hook lift silagecontainer by Dutch Modding Inc.
This brilliant forage container is to be used with Giants Software’s ITRunner mod pack. You need to have the ITRunner trailer in your mods folder to be able to use the container.
Siwa 240 Hooklift ContainerIn-Game Features
The Schuitemakerhook lift container has stunning animations. The silage beaters are, of course,animated. I’m especially impressed with how the conveyor belts look duringoff-loading.
You canopen and close the top of the front wall with your mouse or controller. Otherthan that, there are no additional shop options for the container.

FS19 Schuitemaker Siwa 240Hooklift Container
The modderhas done a terrific job with this addon. I like the visual effect of the conveyorhanging under the trailer. It looks realistic.
- Brand: Schuitemaker.
- Credits: Dutch Modding Inc.
- Category: Trailers.
- Base price: 26,550.
- Capacity: 43,000 liters.
- Accepted: Most Farming Simulator 19 solids.
- Tip options: Through the rear door.
- Selectable colors: No.
- Errors: No.
- Platforms: PC, Mac, PS4, and XB1.
Where to Download
You can put the Schuitemaker container in your mods folder by visiting the modhub inside the game. Or you can download it from the FS website. Click the blue button to open it.
Go to DownloadThis mod is an official Modhub mod. Please, do the modder a favor and only download it from the in-game hub or from its official mod page on