Placeable Straw Barn 1.0

By Yesmods

Jun 27 2019 - 13:11

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This isyour chance to download the Placeable Straw Barn for Farming Simulator 19 (the download link is below.)

We believethis straw barn was spotted first on the FS 2013 Hagenstedt map. Now, it'sready for Farming Simulator 19, serving as a selling point for straw, grass,and hay.

The beautifulthing about it is the profits you make. It seems you'll get a better price for yourgoods when unloading it here than elsewhere. In short – More money for thesame amount of work...

FS19 Straw Barn 1.0

Here aresome vital facts about this great FarmingSimulator 19 mod:

It accepts bales too...

Download Here

You can download the placeable straw barn to your mods folder by clicking on the blue button below.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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