Lakeland View is the New FS19 Map from Stevie

By Yesmods

Jan 15 2020 - 09:58

Next mod



Stevie (akaSteve Kay) is one of the most productive map makers in the history of FarmingSimulator games. I don’t have an exact number but based on the Modhoster statsfor his FS 2015 maps, I believe it’s safe to say that many hundred thousandplayers have enjoyed his work

Farm Simveterans, who have played on maps like Ringwoods, Paradise Hills, or CherryHills, will testify that not only is Stevie productive, he is a darn goodmapper too.

Stevies' most recent release was Fenton Forest 4x, a heavily edited (and extended) version of the base game Felsbrunn map. It’s still one of my favorite FS 19 maps.

Lakeland View is Next

So far,Stevie has released two maps for Farming Simulator 19: The Fenton Foreststandard-sized map and the Fenton Forest 4x version. Now, he’s putting the finishingtouches to a new map, the Lakeland View.

The maptakes inspiration from a North American environment. It will be a standard-sizedmap, customized for both standard gameplay and Seasons 19. Based on a PDApreview that Stevie just has released, it seems the map will have more than 20fields, both small and big. All fields are pretty square.

Here’s ascreenshot of the current layout.

Unknown Release Date

The map-makingprocess is in the final stage. Stevie told on his Facebook page that only the creationof the Seasons mask and map optimization remains. Then, the map will entertesting. No word of a release date yet, but based on Stevies' earlier releases,it will be two to three weeks until all of us can enjoy a new hit from thetalented mapper.

You can visit Stevies’ Facebook page to follow the build and see more images of the map.

Creditsall images in this post: Stevie on Facebook.

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