Placeable Buying Stations

By Yesmods

Apr 14 2019 - 07:22

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Here are some nice placeable seed, fertilizerand feed stations for you to Download to Farming Simulator 19. The modder (McKnight Gaming) hastaken one of the in-game silos and made it possible to buy all kinds of stufffrom it. There’s a total of 7 silos in this pack. This is what you can buy:

Things You Should Know

Version – Salt andStuff

(Updated August 21, 2019) McKnight Gaming has updated his pack of buying stations. Perhaps the most significant update is the Salt buying station, a must for all Seasons 19 players, who want to keep the roads safe during winter.

There'salso a visual upgrade to all silos, making it easier to understand whatyou can buy where. And finally, there's an All-in-One solution where youcan buy anything from one selling station, except for salt. The salt isleft out purposely to avoid problems for anyone not using Seasons.

How to Download

We'll soonsend you to the official download page. But first, let us just tell you thatthe silos will level the terrain when you place them on your map. And that theground beneath the silos changes to asphalt if you put them on other ground textures.

And now you can click the button to download.

Go to DownloadWe always use the modder's original download link when possible. Please let us know if there's a problem with the link. P.S. How to stay safe while downloading mods outsrefe Giants’ Modhub.

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